Thursday, February 2, 2017

Mind. Body. Soul

Today I am focusing on all that is good for your mind, body and soul. My thoughts to start a blog stemmed from the busy schedule I have on a daily basis. I want my blog to be a place people can retreat to when life has them busy and they feel like there aren't enough hours in a day to accomplish what they need to. 

As a teacher and coach, my week days can get exhausting. Leaving  at 630 am and at times not returning until 12 hours later after I am done coaching.When I come I want to relax, decompress and spend time enjoying my home. 

Here a few tips and tricks to help your mind, body and soul rejuvenate after a long day.

Turn off the work email. It can wait. THIS is a challenge that I work at every day. The emails don't need a response at 1030 pm. 

Decompress on the way home. Leave everything at school or work. Don't bring the negative energy with you. I enjoy my XM NBC nightly news on my drive home. It helps me clear my head of anything that was stressful during the day. Listen to your favorite song, playlist or even podcast.

Bubble bath. Calming scents and warmth. Being on your feet all day can be painful for not just your feet but the rest of your body as well.

Candles. The simple, dim glows are soothing. Find your favorite and let it burn while you relax. Right now we are loving Mahogany Teakwood from Bath and Body works.  

For as long as I can remember, I have been using Bath & Body Work's lavender vanilla hand lotion before bed. It has become part of my nightly routine and I cannot sleep without it. The scent is simple and light. I also find myself smelling my hands before laying down because of how calming the scent is.

Daily devotionals. Pat gave me Shauna Niequist's Savor two years ago for my birthday and we read it nightly. She shares a bible verse, personal story, and questions to think about for each day. We enjoy reading before because it gives up something to talk about other than work and coaching before we fall asleep. 

Quiet time. Do you give yourself enough quiet each day? In my job I am constantly answering, talking, lecturing, and giving advice. I find my brain exhausted after a long day at school. A minimum of 10 minutes a day should be quiet and to yourself. 

Make your home YOUR space. Decorate with pieces that bring you joy and happiness. If you have items in your home that are stressing you out...TOSS them! Your home is your space to unwind and be yourself. Make it warm and inviting, so when you get home at the end of the day, you WANT to be there and you WANT to feel relaxed. 

This hangs in our kitchen. It makes me smile every time I see it. Our home is our place to be together.

It's been a long week and I am so looking forward to the weekend. Did someone say Super Bowl snacks? Bring it on. 😍

Relax. Refresh. Revive.  

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