Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Workin it Wednesday - Spring Cleaning

Happy Wednesday!!!! Yay! Today is like my Thursday due to no school on Friday! WOO! 4 day weekend ahead and I cannot wait!

Today I am linking up with MixandMatch Mama and A Little Bit of Everything for Workin it Wednesday!

Today's topic is spring cleaning! There is so much organizing, storing and throwing away that needs to be done in our house, I think to myself where do I start?

I have a few projects in the works I would like to tackle:

1. Organizing my closet by color. I have it now but style (long sleeve, sweaters, tanks, etc) but I am finding this is just not working for me! 

2. Storing holiday decorations. Each time a holiday rolls around I like to add little touches around our home. Even though our condo is not super large, I still like to decorate but I am need of storing all the little odds and ends.

3. Pictures and frames are always on my to do list. We love capturing the memories we share with friends and family but we need more frames around our home. I have a huge giant wall I want to create something fun on but just not sure what I want up :)

Here are a few of my tips and tricks I have been following the past few weeks.

1. Clean out the fridge. With two people in our home you would THINK our fridge would be empty. Well on most days its jammed packed with leftovers, lunches and meal ingredients for the week.
Throw out anything that is expired, smells bad, or is rotten. It is just taking up that free space for your leftover pizza :) 

2. Try it on. Does it fit? Do you still like it? Have you worn it in the past year? Ask yourself these questions as you go through your closet and decide what needs to be donated and what needs to be kept on the hanger. Free hangers doesn't justify a shopping trip. OR does it? :)

3. Counters. UGHH mine are light colored so at times it is near impossible to see spills, crumbs and a messes. Wipe down your counters daily. A little TLC every night will keep the mess away and have your kitchen smelling fresh.

4. Invest in cutting boards to keep out at all times. The amount of chopping, dicing, prepping we do is a lot. Always have an easy to wipe down cutting board out for your convenience. Wipe it down at the end of your cooking experience :) 

5. Vacuum or sweep or pick up each night. I have been using our vacuum like crazy lately. Again we have dark floors so you see EVERYTHING. I am a messy cook so I know every time I cook there are crumbs all over my floor. Sweep it up or vacuum at the end of the night. Our vacuum is light and easy to use. Invest in something that will help keep your home balanced and clean! Don't dread lugging out the heavy vacuum! 

6. 1 year mark. Any papers you have that are older than a year toss. Do you need it? Is it relevant in your every day life? Is is a keepsake or garbage? Throw it out! 

These are just a few I am finding work me :) What works for you? How do you keep your home clean for spring time?


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