Monday, March 20, 2017

Workin It- On a Monday!

Today I am linking up with Mix&MatchMama and A Little Bit Of Everything for their monthly Workin It Wednesday! I know it is Monday. Don't worry my alarm clock made sure I knew it was a new work week! The blogosphere has been off this month so we are sharing on a Monday!

SO I am going to share a little bit of how I balance work and home life. 

Disclaimer.... No kids yet (obviously) so you would think my life balance should be easy right?

As a full time teacher, loving daughter, sister, friend and girlfriend my days are PACKED and BUSY!!

Here are a few tips I can share for all you teachers out there :)

1. I prep EVERYTHING the night before. Outfit? Planned. Lunches? Packed. Breakfast and coffee? All set out to grab and go. Few weeks back I did a post on how I ROCK prepping lunches during the week and you can check that post out HERE!

I am all about the sleep and I will not waste any precious time in the morning planning an outfit or deciding on what to wear. Both of those combined could take me HOURS. Let's be honest!

2. I have stopped bringing my school laptop home. I use my planning periods wisely and have weeks at a time planned. 

3. I still lesson plan. It helps me visually see what we are doing throughout the week.( I have 3 different preps a day so I need to stay organized!!) I also utilize the small whiteboard in my classroom and put the schedule up for the students so I am not asked 1000 million questions a day about what we are doing. 

4. I keep to do lists EVERYWHERE. At home? Yes. School? yes. I love the feeling of checking off an item on the list!! YESS!!

5. Grocery shop on Sundays. We have been good at this but lately are schedules have been so busy that we have been running out during the week! This week is so messed up because we leave Sunday for Florida and we do not want to have go to waste! So leftovers and eating out it is!

6. Laundry on the weekends. OK yes this my downfall (Pat is probably laughing HARD reading this) I just can never get in the groove to do laundry. Pat is SO SO good at keeping a rhythm with laundry but me no way. I am either on a roll and can do multiple loads or I just ignore it all!
And add packing for a vacation into the mix.... It will never get folded or put away until I am back home! I really do try to keep up but  this is a battle! I read a great tip that said to do a small load of laundry each morning. So yes I am going to start this so my loads on the weekend are just my jeans, sheets and anything I NEED washed for the week!


7. We save the BIG cleaning for the weekends. As busy teachers and coaches are nights at home are OUR time together. We watch our shows, cook, read and decompress. Little picking up here and there and wiping down counters get done daily! 

8. Work together. Pat is a huge help around our home. He keeps me balanced and holds me accountable. After busy days for either of us, we always HELP each other. One will cook, one will clean up and we both help throughout everything. You have to have balance and keep each other balanced. If a load of laundry doesn't get folded, fold it the next night. If take out is less stressful, pick up chipotle or order Chinese food. Do what is easy and balanced for YOUR life!.

Meet me back here tomorrow for Table Talk Tuesday :)


  1. I don't have kids yet either and sometimes feel so overwhelmed with work/life balance for just me and my husband! I started doing a load of wash on Monday and a load on Thursday and that keeps the hamper from filling way up and me doing a million loads at a time. We will see if I can stick to it. I love your other tips too!

    1. I LOVE the Mon/Thurs idea!! We will most definitely be trying that in our house!


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