Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Table Talk Tuesday: Meatless Red Sauce

YOU GUYS!!!! What a week it has been and it is ONLY Tuesday!!!  I feel like I have accomplished SO much in such a short amount of time!


So here we are another Tuesday and another FAB recipe :)

I have been looking and searching for ways to have successful meatless Friday's for lent. There is only so much pizza and grilled cheese that I can handle. AND due to the fact I am trying to cut out as much cheese as possible.... these options do not help!

My mom is the most adorable woman ever. She is my best friend and I have learned so much from her when it comes to cooking and baking. She is 50% Italian and 50% Polish. When it comes to sauce she is my GURU!! She found this amazingly simple recipe on Pinterest for Red Sauce and she suggested I try it because when she made it, my dad and her LOVED IT!

Here we go!
When I say its simple.... Its simple.

Here is what you will need:
1 28 oz. can crushed tomatoes.
1 28 oz. can whole tomatoes.
1 yellow onion, halved
2 cloves garlic, halved.
5 T. butter
1- 1.5 t. sugar. 

Here is what you will do:
1. In a LARGE sauce pot combine ALL ingredients. 
2. Bring sauce to a boil. 
3. Reduce heat for 45 min. 
4. After 45 min remove tender pieces of onion. 
5. Serve over pasta & ENJOY :) 

This is the LINK to the original recipe.

I made two sauces the other night. The other I will share once I fix it :)
I had Pat try both and her liked this one the best :)

Life living with a FACS teacher :)

Meatless, delicious and perfect for lent!

[OF COURSE you could add meatballs, Italian sausage, or ground beef if you would like some meat]

Life is CRAZY and I am loving blogging. Thank you for following and reading! 

Catch me here tomorrow sharing my GO TO teacher outfit pieces.


  1. I have made this sauce. It is sooo easy, quick and yummy. A must for your recipe box!!!

  2. Isn't it a keeper? Thanks for the comment! xo


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