Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Celebrating Mom #mymomrocks

Today this post is dedicated to one person:

My Mom.

As mother's day rolls around, I wanted to take some time and recgonize THE best and most influential woman in my life.


My mom is the youngest of four.

She grew up in Chicago and moved to the suburbs when she was in junior high. 

My mom went attended high school in Arlington Heights.

She then went on to study at Illinois State University.

My mom met my dad there and they both graduated in 1980.

My mom is the strongest woman I know.
She unfortunately lost her mother at the age of 23. 
 I have known my whole life just how lucky I am to have my mom around for all the best moments as I continue to get older.

My parents married in October of 1982.

In 1988 my mom and dad welcomed their first child, a boy.
Kevin kept my mom busy and on her toes at all times :)

My mom's heart has always put others before herself.
Sick kids, busy husband, aging father, my mom always put and continues to put others before herself. 

In 1991 they welcomed their second child, a girl. 
Emalie ( me)
My mom always talks about how I was her little life like doll.
I was cuddly, an easy child and I always wanted to be JUST like my mom.
Playing dress up, playing house. 
My mom was and was be my role model.

In 1994, the third child came along, a boy.
Even with three kids my mom never skipped a beat.
Room mom, After school specials, the best birthday parties you could ask for, my mom did it all.
Some call her Super Woman.
I am lucky enough to call her mom. 

My mom is strong, caring,loving, phenomenal and amazing.

Some of my favorite things about my mom...

1. She answers my calls every day after school  on my way home.

2. She sends me good morning texts during busy weeks.

3. Her cooking.
meatballs, sauce, taco bake, creamy chicken, chicken wings.
Just to name a few :) 

4. Her heart

5. Her knowledge 

6. Even at 25 she still knows how to take care of me when I am sick even I don't live at home.
My mom made the BEST sick snacks as a kid.
My brother Erich says he loved her ritz crackers with cream cheese and jelly.
I loved the PBJ sandwiches with sunchips and ginger ale.

7. My mom raised us right.

8. My mom was always open and wanted to talk with us.

9. She put up with my ridiculous teenage years.

10. She always packs snacks for a road trip.

11. She loves to talk life with me over a glass of wine.

12. She has better style than I do.

13. She raised 3 very different but amazing kids.

14. She has been married to my dad for 35 years come October.

15. She still to this day puts others first.

16. She works at elementary school in Arlington Heights and LOVES it and they LOVE her.

17. She finds the BEST deals EVER.

18. My mom loves her bubble dryer. 

19. She has the best laugh

20. She is MY mom.

I could go on forever and ever about my amazing mom.
My mom is my best friend, the one I turn to in time of need, in time of laughs.
She has been there for me since day 1.

My mom Sharon deserves the best mother's day.

I hope you are planning to LOVE your mom hard this weekend.
She deserves to be celebrated 

Here's to you Mama Lou!



  1. Emalie I am on the verge of tears right now. That is the most beautiful gift ever. I have loved being your mom and grateful that we are more than just mom & daughter, we are soul mates & friends~What more could a mom ask for. Love you to the moon & back Che!!

    1. You are the best mom around! love you girl!!! BFF!! xo


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